Last night, I was sitting in Smoke Room, enjoying a couple of drinks with a friend and one of the (very handsome) bar tenders happened to mention that the number of foreign visitors to the bar had increased dramatically just recently… Could it be a pure coincidence that I posted an article on Smoke Room on this very blog not so long ago? I think not! Without doubt Deep Kyoto is good for business! However, speaking of business, my friend had this to say about recent changes I have made to this site:
“What’s up with Deep Kyoto? It’s covered in Google Ads! It’s too commercialized! I liked the old Deep Kyoto! I don’t like these changes! blah blah blah…”
Well, I can see why regular readers of Deep Kyoto who are used to the old style blog might dislike these changes. However, I can no longer justify the inordinate amount of time I spend on this blog without making some kind of financial gain. And the only reason the ads weren’t there before was because I was too ignorant of wordpress usage to figure out how to add them. It is true though that in my joy at figuring that out finally, I may have gone a little over the top. It is also true that initial results are non too promising (I made 95 cents in September). So what do you think? In an effort to encourage feedback I am adding a little democracy poll here below. I think I’ve got all possible answers covered so – let me know!