A couple of months ago, I was at Tezukuri Ichi when I came across a stall selling some rather nifty pottery:
!-style (reads “exclamation style”) is the brand-name of a series of products made by the !-design project based to the south of Kyoto. The brand was created in order to give people with disabilities the means and skills to be self-supporting. This particular venture is unique in that they have their own in-house designer and I think you can see the results in the quality of the goods shown above. Although !-style is an irregular visitor to Tezukuri Ichi, some of their products can also be found at Duce Mix on the corner of Takakura Dori and Sanjo, and also at Heart Plaza on the 9th floor of the Kyoto Station building (just round the corner from KPIC).
The Duce Mix Shop is on the 4th floor of the Duce Mix building and is open from 11:00 ~ 20:00 every day but Monday. Duce Mix Map
Heart Plaza is open from 10:00 ~ 18:00 and is open every day but Tuesday. Heart Plaza Map
Tezukuri Ichi is held on the 15th of each month at Chionji from dawn till dusk. Tezukuri Ichi Map