I can’t think of any more important problem facing Japan today than the issue of energy production and how we continue to do it, safely and with minimum impact upon our environment. Too often the narrative is framed by the corporate powers that be as a fait accompli. How often do we hear the same old rhetoric trotted out? “Nuclear power is the only efficient way to produce the energy we need,” they tell us. “Realistically how else can we produce electricity while simultaneously halting climate change?” they say. Yet while the continuing debacle in Fukushima has put paid to any notion that continued use of nuclear energy in Japan is in any way realistic or efficient, the nuclear industry is still trying to frighten consumers away from alternatives with vague threats of power cuts. Clearly it’s time for us to step outside the narrative boundaries they would impose on us and learn to think outside the box about what is and isn’t possible. Hopefully this English Language seminar at Kyoto University on the 14th will help inspire some much needed debate. It certainly promises to be both inspirational and instructive!
Click on the image below to view it larger.
Our Energy Future: Exploring Safe and Sustainable Options
Date: July 14, 2011
Time: 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Venue: 2nd floor, International Conference Hall (II & III), Clock
Tower Centennial Hall , Kyoto University
Purpose: To give English-speaking students and community members
access to information from a broad range of perspectives about
available energy choices and government energy policy considerations
Prof. Roy Henk, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University –
Energy needs and wants
• Ms. Aileen Mioko Smith, Green Action – What role will nuclear power
play in our energy future?
• Prof. Satoshi Konishi, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto
University – Future energy scenarios for zero-carbon emission
• Prof. Andreas Neef, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies,
Kyoto University – Repercussions of Fukushima in national energy
policy-making: The case of Germany
Commentary/summation: Prof. Ben McLellan, Graduate School of Energy
Science, Kyoto University
Open floor discussion
Pre-registration is necessary.
To pre-register or for further information, please send your name and
e-mail address for return confirmation to <energyseminar@sansai.ges.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
or contact us by fax:
Please pre-register by noon, July 14, 2011
This seminar is supported by the Tertiary Education for Sustainable
Development Initiative, a JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
No. 23300285
Thanks to Jane Singer for sending me this.
Related story: Green Action