The enduring allure of the Way of Tea is proof of its profound meaning for people — not only Japanese, but people of all cultures… The principles underlying this Art of Living are Harmony, Respect, Purity, and Tranquility. These are universal principles that, in a world such as ours today, fraught with unrest, friction, self-centeredness, and other such social ailments, can guide us toward the realization of genuine peace.
[~from the Urasenke website]

Many thanks to my friend Izumi Texidor Hirai for inviting us to the international tea gathering at the Urasenke Chado Kaikan on Saturday. Thanks also to Carol Begert for providing a commentary as Izumi prepared the tea. Despite my long residence in Japan, this was my first time to witness personally the simplicity and grace inherent in the Japanese ritual of shared tea. I was impressed by the sense of peace I found there. [Read more…]