Today I am posting an urgent message to the world from a coalition of six groups opposed to the restart of nuclear reactors in Japan. Thank you to Stephen Gill for bringing this to my attention:
[UPDATE: Local actions in Tokyo and Osaka are also posted below*]
Dear Friends,
The Japanese Prime Minister Noda has announced his decision to order
the restart two nuclear reactors in the town of Ohi in the prefecture
of Fukui in Western Japan. He also claimed that nuclear energy will
remain an important source of energy for Japan also in the future,
thereby reconfirming Japans nuclear energy policy.
Despite all our efforts, despite the strong resistance in the region of
Western Japan surrounding Ohi, and despite the fact that a majority of
the Japanese people is against nuclear power, the Japanese government
is bowing to pressures of the nuclear lobby in Japan. We have tried
hard on our own, but now we believe that coordinated international
pressure on the Japan government is essential to bring on real and
substantial change. We believe that the Japanese government and the
Japanese public will react very sensitively to international pressure,
so we wish to ask you for your support to initiate and coordinate
international protest against the Japanese government.