The March issue of Kyoto Visitor’s Guide is now available and with it my piece recommending other useful websites for online information on our great city. One of the sites I recommend in the article is the new Kyoto Journal site, whose ever shifting deadline for release has now moved from “the end of January” to “spring” (so I’m thinking maybe August). Though the new site isn’t available as yet, I have had a sneak preview, and can tell you that it will be something really quite special (hence the endless faffing around by the web designers as they try to get it absolutely perfect). Ken Rodgers has, however been good enough to construct a page on the old site where he collates a lot of very good general information on Kyoto and Kyoto museums.You can find that here:
This will be my final piece for Kyoto Visitor’s Guide, as I have decided to focus more on working and writing for Kyoto Journal in the near future. My first mission on their behalf is to write a fresh article on our local disaster relief volunteer group IDRO Japan. After interviewing Rob Mangold for that purpose, it became apparent to me that I can’t really do the article justice unless I go up to Tohoku and do a spot of volunteering myself. So, I’ll be taking the night bus north this evening and heading off to Ishinomaki for a ten day stretch. I’m looking forward to meeting and working with some of the local heroes and dedicated volunteers that I have been hearing so much about.
For more insight into my departure from KVG, please refer to Harlan Ellison.