Every now and again my friend Koichi Yoshida organizes a special shakuhachi recital at Zac Baran in order to demonstrate the instrument’s depth and versatility. I was delighted to hear from him that there would be another recital on May 10th.
In Koichi’s own words:
The shakuhachi! Maybe you have heard of it but have you ever seen one or heard it played? I believe the shakuhachi is an extremely eastern instrument. The shakuhachi musician can produce a natural sound and express delicate nuances. Maybe it can be called a “flute without frets.” I have planned this recital in order to introduce listeners to the wonderful world of shakuhachi. I will perform not only traditional solo pieces, called honkyoku, but also various musical styles including improvisations, jazz, traditional Okinawan music, and new age music with some wonderful guest artists, such as a pianist, an Okinawan sanshin (traditional Okinawa guitar) player, a sitar player, a bass player, and guitar player.
Koichi Yoshida’s Spring Shakuhachi Recital will take place at Zac Baran on Sunday May 10th . Doors open at 7.00 pm and the show begins a 7.30 pm. Tickets are ¥2,000 or ¥1,800 if ordered in advance. Only 50 seats available!
Zac Baran is a legendary cafe/bar/music spot on the north side of Marutamachi a short walk east of Higashioji Dori. Here is a most convenient map. Tel: 075-751-9748
Koichi Yoshida can be contacted at koichi21@ezweb.ne.jp