Kevin Ramsden has organized another “B4B” book exchange event to raise funds for children in the refugee camps at Mae Sot on the Thai/Burma border. Kevin says,
This event is being held to raise money to help furnish camp schools with books and other essential educational items, as well as anything that will make the lives of the inhabitants more livable. We would like you to bring along any surplus books that you might have lying around at home (no textbooks though, and only books in good condition please) so that we can sell them to raise funds. We would, of course, hope that you might purchase some of the other books on offer to help build a decent total. As children are most welcome, we would love the wee ones to bring along any of their books they think they might have finished with, too. This is very much a social event, and we would encourage all members of the family to come along and hang out, have a drink (or two), engage in friendly banter, eat some lovely grub, and generally enjoy the day.
The details for the event are:
Date: Sunday June 24th, 2012
Time: 11.00 am ~ later on
Place: The Gael Pub, Gion. There is a map and directions here.
Food and Drink: All the usual drinks available and also a lunch menu on offer from midday onwards.
Thanks, Kevin! It might be worth adding that last year’s event raised 55,000 yen which together with other generous donations and funds raised from the ongoing “B4B” scheme came to 125,000 yen. All of this went to help needy schools and orphanages in Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. Even if you can’t attend this event, you can still contribute to the “B4B” scheme at The Gael, Tadg’s, The Pig & Whistle, and Papa Jon’s in Kitayama. Each of these locations collect and sell second hand books for charity. It’s a very simple yet successful way to raise funds for a worthy cause and good source of cheap reading material too!