Here is a new book project from the team behind Kyoto Journal.
The ancient capital of Japan in images and writings
Resting on the earth
who needs satori or faith?
Embrace what holds you!
Imagine a book enfolding some of the best expat poetry and photography of the 1200-year-old city of Kyoto, cultural and spiritual heart of Japan. For five decades Edith Shiffert, now age 97, has written haiku and poems inspired by the ancient capital. John Einarsen has been making striking yet serene photographs of Kyoto for more than three decades.
Now Edith and John share their vision and love of this magical city with the book Kyoto: The Forest Within the Gate (144 pp, more than 100 duotone photographs and 30 poems). In addition, three renowned writers on Japanese culture, Marc P. Keane, Diane Durston and Takeda Yoshifumi, have contributed illuminating essays. Rona Conti’s calligraphy is yet another treat for the eyes.
We plan to publish an edition of this singular book. Its design is complete to the last detail, but for this first edition to go to print we need your help.
Take this transcendent journey to Kyoto by contributing today. All donations are warmly appreciated. Those giving $60 or more will receive a signed edition of this remarkable book.
Visit: https://www.indiegogo.
Receive a book and/or photographic print before the winter holidays!
Profits from this book will in turn be used to published others by White Pine Press (New York) or Heian-kyo Media (Kyoto). Making this book a reality has been a long-time dream. We appreciate your help in any capacity you can offer.